On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 November) Office of RTCYPP under the Auspices of the Embassy of Sweden is proud to highlight the Joint Statement of the Religious Leaders of Cyprus Condemning all Forms of Violence Against Women and Girls, adopted on March 8, 2017.
On this day we reiterate our commitment to accompany the religious leaders of Cyprus in their efforts to end violence against women and girls and pledge our support to the UN Secretary General’s UNiTE Campaign marking all Orange Days (the 25th of every month) under the overarching theme “Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls”.
read the statement
Με την ευκαιρία της Διεθνούς Ημέρας για τη Βία κατά των Γυναικών (25 Νοεμβρίου), το Γραφείο της RTCYPP υπό την αιγίδα της Πρεσβείας της Σουηδίας είναι υπερήφανο που υπογραμμίζει την Κοινή Δήλωση των Θρησκευτικών ηγετών της Κύπρου που Καταδικάζει Όλες τις Μορφές Βίας Κατά των Γυναικών και των Κοριτσιών και η οποία εγκρίθηκε στις 8 Μαρτίου 2017.
Την ημέρα αυτή επαναλαμβάνουμε τη δέσμευσή μας να συνοδεύσουμε τους θρησκευτικούς ηγέτες της Κύπρου στις προσπάθειές τους για τερματισμό τη βίας κατά των γυναικών και των κοριτσιών και να δεσμευόμαστε ότι θα στηρίξουμε την εκστρατεία UNITE του Γενικού Γραμματέα του ΟΗΕ, που σηματοδοτεί όλες τις Πορτοκαλί Ημέρες (την 25η κάθε μήνα) κάτω από το γενικό θέμα "Μην Αφήσετε Κανένα Πίσω: Τερματίστε τη Βία κατά των Γυναικών και των Κοριτσιών".
read the statement
25 Kasım Kadına Yönelik Şiddete Karşı Uluslararası Mücadele Günü’nde İsveç Büyükelçiliği himayesinde yer alan Kıbrıs Barış Sürecinde Dini Yol Ofisi (RTCYPP), Kıbrıs’taki dini liderlerin kadınlara ve kız çocuklarına karşı her türlü şiddeti kınandıkları 8 Mart 2017 tarihli ortak açıklamasını vurgulamaktan gurur duymaktadır.
Bugün, Kıbrıs’taki dini liderlerin, kadın ve kız çocuklarına yönelik şiddetin sona erdirilmesi çabalarında omların yanında olma yönündeki taahhüdümüzü yineler ve BM Genel Sekreteri’nin “ Kimseyi Arkada Bırakma: Kadın ve Kız Çocuklarına Karşı Şiddete Son” ana temalı tüm Turuncu Günleri kapsayan (her ayın 25’i) UNITE kampanyasına destek veririz.
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Violence against women is a human rights violation and a consequence of discrimination against women, in law and also in practice, as well as of persisting inequalities between men and women. This violence impacts on, and impedes, progress in many areas, including poverty eradication, combating HIV/AIDS, and peace and security. However, violence against women and girls is not inevitable. Prevention is possible and essential.
Women's activists have marked 25 November as a day against violence since 1981. This date came from the brutal assassination in 1960, of the three Mirabal sisters, political activists in the Dominican Republic, on orders of Dominican ruler Rafael Trujillo (1930-1961).
On 20 December 1993 the General Assembly, by resolution 48/104, adopted the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women.
In this context, in 1999 the United Nations General Assembly designated 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and invited governments, international organizations and NGOs to organize on that day activities designed to raise public awareness of the problem.
Source: UN
About UNiTE
Launched in 2008, the United Nations Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign aims to raise public awareness and increase political will and resources for preventing and ending all forms of violence against women and girls in all parts of the world.
The global vision of the UNiTE campaign is a world free from violence against all women and girls. This vision can only be realized through meaningful actions and ongoing political commitments of national governments, backed by adequate resources.
The United Nations Secretary-General’s UNiTE campaign calls on all governments, civil society, women’s organizations, men, young people, the private sector, the media and the entire UN system to join forces in addressing this global pandemic.
Through its advocacy initiatives at the global, regional and national levels, the UNiTE campaign is working to mobilize individuals and communities. In addition to supporting the longstanding efforts of women’s and civil society organizations, the campaign is actively engaging with men, young people, celebrities, artists, sports personalities, private sector and many more.
The 25th of every month has been designated “Orange Day” by the United Nations Secretary-General’s Campaign UNiTE to End Violence Against Women, to raise awareness and take action to end violence against women and girls. As a bright and optimistic colour, orange represents a future free from violence against women and girls. Orange Day calls upon civil society, governments, and UN partners to mobilize people and highlight issues relevant to preventing and ending violence against women and girls, not only once a year on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November), but every month.
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 November) Office of RTCYPP under the Auspices of the Embassy of Sweden is proud to highlight the Joint Statement of the Religious Leaders of Cyprus Condemning all Forms of Violence Against Women and Girls, adopted on March 8, 2017.
On this day we reiterate our commitment to accompany the religious leaders of Cyprus in their efforts to end violence against women and girls and pledge our support to the UN Secretary General’s UNiTE Campaign marking all Orange Days (the 25th of every month) under the overarching theme “Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls”.
read the statement
Με την ευκαιρία της Διεθνούς Ημέρας για τη Βία κατά των Γυναικών (25 Νοεμβρίου), το Γραφείο της RTCYPP υπό την αιγίδα της Πρεσβείας της Σουηδίας είναι υπερήφανο που υπογραμμίζει την Κοινή Δήλωση των Θρησκευτικών ηγετών της Κύπρου που Καταδικάζει Όλες τις Μορφές Βίας Κατά των Γυναικών και των Κοριτσιών και η οποία εγκρίθηκε στις 8 Μαρτίου 2017.
Την ημέρα αυτή επαναλαμβάνουμε τη δέσμευσή μας να συνοδεύσουμε τους θρησκευτικούς ηγέτες της Κύπρου στις προσπάθειές τους για τερματισμό τη βίας κατά των γυναικών και των κοριτσιών και να δεσμευόμαστε ότι θα στηρίξουμε την εκστρατεία UNITE του Γενικού Γραμματέα του ΟΗΕ, που σηματοδοτεί όλες τις Πορτοκαλί Ημέρες (την 25η κάθε μήνα) κάτω από το γενικό θέμα "Μην Αφήσετε Κανένα Πίσω: Τερματίστε τη Βία κατά των Γυναικών και των Κοριτσιών".
read the statement
25 Kasım Kadına Yönelik Şiddete Karşı Uluslararası Mücadele Günü’nde İsveç Büyükelçiliği himayesinde yer alan Kıbrıs Barış Sürecinde Dini Yol Ofisi (RTCYPP), Kıbrıs’taki dini liderlerin kadınlara ve kız çocuklarına karşı her türlü şiddeti kınandıkları 8 Mart 2017 tarihli ortak açıklamasını vurgulamaktan gurur duymaktadır.
Bugün, Kıbrıs’taki dini liderlerin, kadın ve kız çocuklarına yönelik şiddetin sona erdirilmesi çabalarında omların yanında olma yönündeki taahhüdümüzü yineler ve BM Genel Sekreteri’nin “ Kimseyi Arkada Bırakma: Kadın ve Kız Çocuklarına Karşı Şiddete Son” ana temalı tüm Turuncu Günleri kapsayan (her ayın 25’i) UNITE kampanyasına destek veririz.
read the statement