RTCYPP News 20.11.2021
This Sunday the Armenian Church of Cyprus celebrates the Enkainia, fortieth anniversary of the Armenian Church of the Holy Mother-of-God in Nicosia.
Having lost access to their own church due to the intercommunal fights in 1963, the faithful were obliged to conduct services in various different places, including the Greek Orthodox chapel of Ayios Dhometios, through the generosity of Archbishop Makarios of blessed memory, whilst for larger feasts the Anglican community generously made available St. Paul's Cathedral. Thé Nareg School assembly hall was also used. But, at length, the community, through many sacrifices - as well as the generous assistance of the Church of Westphalia in Germany and other sister churches, was able to erect a new church, carrying the same name as their Church on Victoria Street in Arabahmet neighberhood.
On 21-22 November 1981 the Church of Sourp Asdvadzadzin was consecrated with Their Holinesses, Catholicoi Khoren II and Karekin II of the Great House of Cilicia and His Grace, Bishop Zareh Aznaworean, all of Blessed Memory.
We congratulate His Eminence Archbishop Khoren and the community as they prepare to celebrate this occassion.
(Adapted text from Background information by Haig Utidjian)