United Nations References to RTCYPP

S/RES/2453 (30 January 2019)


“Urging the sides to step up their efforts to promote intercommunal contacts, reconciliation and the active engagement of civil society, including bi- communal initiatives and development projects where the two communities can work together and jointly benefit, and the encouragement of cooperation between economic and commercial bodies and to remove all obstacles to such contacts, while also noting various initiatives to bring together particular sectors or actors on both sides for dialogue, including the Religious Track of the Cyprus Peace Process,"


S/RES/2430 (26 July 2018)


“Urging the sides to step up their efforts to promote intercommunal contacts, reconciliation and the active engagement of civil society, including Bi-Communal Initiatives and development projects where the two communities can work together and jointly benefit, and the encouragement of cooperation between economic and commercial bodies and to remove all obstacles to such contacts, while also noting various initiatives to bring together particular sectors or actors on both sides for dialogue, including the Religious Track of the Cyprus Peace Process.”